Lead Better.

How do you hire the right people? Validated approaches to assessing leaders are critical for successful hiring decisions. Poor or bad person-organization fit and lack of interpersonal competencies such as change leadership are more likely to be causes of turnover than technical or industry know how. Individual assessments give deep insight into the individual, how that person fits with the role and organization and are a solid foundation for development.

That’s leading better.


Lead Smarter.

What results will the organization receive?  Companies that offer training alone experience 22.4% increase in productivity, but when combined with coaching that figure rises to 88%. Gerald Olivero, Denise Bane & Richard Kopelman, Public Personnel Management.

Our assessments yield results:

1, Retention:  Leaders who are assessed and on-boarded with the data were twice as likely to remain with the organization in one study.

2. Development Planning: Onboarding, high potentials’ development can be targeted specifically to skill or experience gaps.

3. Succession Planning: Retaining next-generation talent is a critical need for most organizations. Assessments used as part of bench strength analysis bring real data to the discussion and supports external/internal alignment of talent to achieve strategic goals.

That’s leading smarter.

Lead Together.

How do we know which virtual or on-site assessment process is right for your organization?  OE Strategies commits to knowing your company and the job under consideration, so the assessment is completely relevant to your organization.  We offer an analysis of organizational structure and roles.  We take the time to understand your business and the participant characteristics that will drive results.

Let’s lead together.